2021 - 2030 European Cooperation Strategy in the Field of Education and Training in as a European Integration Benchmark for Ukrainian Education
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education and training
European cooperation
European educational area
European integration

How to Cite

Lokshyna О. . (2023). 2021 - 2030 European Cooperation Strategy in the Field of Education and Training in as a European Integration Benchmark for Ukrainian Education. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 5–17. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2022-4-5-17


The article is devoted to the analysis of the EU strategic benchmarks in the field of education and training for the period 2021 – 2030, which is relevant in the context of Ukraine’s European integration. Ukraine’s candidate status for EU membership (2022) makes the integration of Ukrainian education into the European educational area a cross-cutting task in the context of war and reconstruction. The use of the method of analysis of key EU documents on education provided the disclosure of the content of the framework programs of European cooperation “Education and Training 2010”, “Education and Training 2020”. The author describes the updated vision of the European Education Area, the construction of which is defined as the goal of such cooperation until 2025 in the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021 - 2030).
The European Education Area should be seen as a system that interconnects all levels of education of the EU Member States within the framework of lifelong learning with cross-cutting priorities such as mobility, skills, competences and qualifications, modern languages, digitalization, based on European identity and values.
It is stated that the EU is implementing a comprehensive strategy of cooperation in the field of education and training, which is positioned as an integral part of the comprehensive development of the European community. The sustainability of the vector of such cooperation, which is ensured by the cross-cutting strategic priorities of the framework programs, contributes to the harmonization of the development of national educational systems of the Member States and, accordingly, works towards the goal of building a knowledge society and economy.
The conclusion was made about the importance of understanding the possibilities and timeframe for harmonizing the guidelines for the development of the Ukrainian education system during the reconstruction period with the priorities of the 2030 Strategic Framework.

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