Innovations in the Management of School Education in the Globalized World
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school education
school-based management
formal-informal management

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Maksymenko О. . (2023). Innovations in the Management of School Education in the Globalized World. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 32–44.


The article is devoted to the features of the new positions of the transformation and reform of school education management under the contemporary globalized conditions of education development in the world and the direction of joint efforts of the world organizations and countries to build high-quality, accessible, equal education for everyone in a society aimed at the sustainable development for the future and improvement of human potential and increasing the competitiveness of human capital in order to solve the challenges and urgent tasks of today regarding the vital issues of humanity's existence. Focusing attention on the basic principles of democratic development and decentralization of management of the life of modern society, the issue of innovations in school education management is highlighted in the context of changing the essence of the term "management" and from the point of the involvement and functioning of the civil society itself, the mutual influence and joint transformation of both, cooperation at the level of school education as direct participants, organizers, interested and responsible persons, as well as territorially affiliated. It is analyzed that the format of the new school education management framework consists of a combination of formal and informal management, participatory management, education management / educational management, school-based management, leadership and autonomy of the educational institution.
The views on the phenomenon of school-based management as an innovative tool for the further changes in the management process, its components, encompassing a set of tasks for the joint solution and improvement of education, taking into account the needs and perspective transformations of the school, society, state are presented.
 The peculiarities of the transformation of the management process for the participants under the conditions of globalization from the introduction of school-based management reform and prognostic views regarding the peculiarities of the internal changes of the parties and the further improvement of essential characteristics are considered.
The list of scientific methods used to identify the peculiarities of the issue includes analysis, description, and comparison.
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