The article provides an overview of the strategic and legislative principles of reforming the content of school education in the countries of the European Union, updating the content of educational programs on the basis of competence orientation, the emphasis is placed on the development of digital competence as a key for students of general secondary education institutions at the current stage. Based on the analysis of European strategic documents European Framework of Reference for Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning (2018), European Skills Plan for Competitiveness, Social Justice and Sustainability (2020), Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 (2020), Digital Compass: The European Path to the Digital Decade (2021), the essence of the transformations that took place in the education of the EU member states was identified and characterized, the need to improve the level of digital skills for every European was emphasized.
The article clarifies the meaning of the terms “key competencies”, “skills”, “transversal competencies”. The importance of the formation and development of key and transversal competencies in students for successful professional development in the future is substantiated.
The competency-based principles of the modernization of the content of education in the EU member states are revealed. It was found that the majority of EU countries define the development of key competencies as one of the priorities of the educational policy. It is emphasized that the EU countries are at different stages of introducing key competencies into curricula/plans of school education, however, thanks to the reform of the content and the application of an interdisciplinary approach, this process has been significantly accelerated. It was found that the formation of transversal competencies in students, including, contributes to the development of subject competencies. It was concluded that in the context of reforming European school education, it is the competence paradigm that forms an innovative view of education, contributes to ensuring high-quality and effective education.
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