Visualization of Educational Information as a Component of Professional Training of Future Primary School Teacher
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future primary school teacher’s training
visualization skills
primary education
higher pedagogical education
visualization of educational information

How to Cite

Malykhin О. ., & Ліпчевська, . І. . (2023). Visualization of Educational Information as a Component of Professional Training of Future Primary School Teacher. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 59–66.


Today, higher education in Ukraine is implemented in a mixed form with the predominance of the distance component. Under such conditions, the issue of involving information and communication technologies in the educational process is updated, which, in particular, provides for the introduction of visual learning and visual communication in the educational and students’ cognitive activities. At the same time, the concept of the New Ukrainian School puts forward to the institutions of pedagogical education the requirement of the formation of skills in visualizing educational information of future primary school teachers as a component of their methodological and psychological-pedagogical competencies. The first of them includes teachers’ awareness of the didactic potential of strategies, technologies, methods, tools and forms of modern visualization in primary education, the ability to implement them in their own professional activities, as well as knowledge of basic aspects of visual content design. The second includes awareness of visual perception, visual imagination, visual thinking and the formation of appropriate teacher’s skills; knowledge of the age characteristics of these psychological processes in primary school students and the ability to take them into account in educational interaction; knowledge of psychological and pedagogical features of creating visual content in primary school; as well as awareness of preferences and motivation to use visualization in education. The problem of training teachers on the issues presented above is partially solved at the advanced training courses of the New Ukrainian School for pimary school teachers. However, according to the survey of primary school teachers and the analysis of educational qualification and work programs of pedagogical educational institutions, we state the expediency of modernizing the content of primary school teachers’ training in this direction by developing and implementing a didactic system for forming skills in visualizing educational information.
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