Pedagogical Significance of the Communicative Foundations of the Accumulative Role of Color in Educational Infographics
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communicative foundations
educational infographics

How to Cite

Ilnytska Л. . (2023). Pedagogical Significance of the Communicative Foundations of the Accumulative Role of Color in Educational Infographics. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 79–86.


Prospects for the demonstration deployment of information presentability of educational courses received in the modern world an urgent need to reach the dimensions of renewed communication. Conveying the necessary level of the approved foundations laid by the curriculum requires a foreseen understanding of the disclosure by the teacher of considerable variability in the segmentation of the cognitive discourse within such a special form of infographics as educational infographics. Nevertheless, the intentions of the qualitative application of additional accumulative tools to interest the audience in the educational subject are based on the selection of basic resources of the infographic service dictated by time. At the same time, the role of color, as a necessary connector and conductor in adjusting to a favorable communicative field of rapid contact communication, is currently little researched. Instead, the consolidating element of color focusing attention for the primary assessment can be a simple to implement information solution with a complex - multifaceted codification of motivational emphasis, a serious effect in the process of pedagogical coordination of all methodical elements of infographics in a holistic action. It should also not be forgotten that careless use of color positions in educational infographics can unwittingly simulate the exact opposite communicative situation.
The main purpose of the article is an extended analysis of the communicative foundations of color load when applying the necessary parameters of accumulative multiplanarity in educational infographics. The peculiarity of such topics is the emphasis not on the artistic dimension of the properties of visual directions, but on the optimal color arrangements for the laconic embodiment in the infographic structure of an expedient combination of the usual understanding of the integrity of form and content.
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