Comparative Analysis of Traditional, Distant and Blended Learning of the English Language at Universities
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foreign language teaching
mixed method
traditional method
distance method
student survey

How to Cite

Podoliak М. (2023). Comparative Analysis of Traditional, Distant and Blended Learning of the English Language at Universities. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 87–97.


The events of recent years in Ukraine and the world have contributed to the development of new educational trends and teaching methods. Those teaching methods that were voluntary until 2020, with the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war, became mandatory. We are talking about distance and blended learning. This article is a continuation and logical addition to the experimental study of the effectiveness of foreign language teaching in freelance education, using traditional, distance, and mixed teaching methods. The results of the experiments showed that the most effective method of teaching a foreign language was a mixed method. This method has absorbed all the advantages of traditional and remote methods, eliminating the disadvantages of each. Our article aims to analyze students' responses to distance, traditional and mixed methods of teaching a professional foreign language. The task of our study was to investigate students' responses to each of these teaching methods and determine their possible future choice of one of these methods. For this purpose, we selected students and formed three groups. Each group was studied according to the chosen methodology (traditional, mixed, and distance). The experiment lasted for one semester or 16 weeks. After the experiment, the students were interviewed, and they stated that they were generally satisfied with the distance and blended learning methods. In addition, according to the results of the surveys, students of the traditional form of education would mostly choose a mixed method of teaching a foreign language in the Free Economic Zone. Among the advantages of this teaching method, the subjects noted convenient time and place of study; frequent repetition of materials; exciting and interactive learning materials. Compared to distance learning, blended has several advantages, in particular: interaction with the teacher and between students; better development of oral speech in students. The benefits of blended learning to traditional noted by students were: the convenience of learning (time and place of the student's choice); more frequent repetition of materials. Therefore, a hypothetical choice of students between the three teaching methods would be a mixed method of teaching a foreign language.
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