Didactic Training of Future Primary School Teachers: Innovative Context
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початкова школа
концепція «Нова українська школа»;
дидактика початкової школи
майбутній учитель початкової школи
дидактична підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової школи
структурні компоненти (змістовий, процесуальний, мотиваційний) дидактичної підготовки
дидактична компетентність майбутнього вчителя початкової школи

How to Cite

Kodliuk Я. (2023). Didactic Training of Future Primary School Teachers: Innovative Context. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 175–183. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2022-4-175-183


The article deals with the problem of didactic training of future primary school teachers in the context of the New Ukrainian School concept in terms of three components: content, procedural and motivational. The content component of training includes knowledge of primary school didactics as an educational discipline, grouped into three content modules: «Theoretical foundations of training process» («The subject and tasks of didactics», «Training process in primary school», «Regularities and principles of training», «Content of primary education», «Textbook for primary school»); «Organization of educational process in modern primary school» («Methods of teaching», «Forms of organization of educational process», «Lesson in primary school», «Control and evaluation of educational achievements of younger schoolchildren»); «Actual problems of didactics of primary education» («Developmental nature of training in modern primary school», «Reforming the primary link of education in the context of the concept of the New Ukrainian school). In the structure of the content component invariant and variable components have been distinguished: the first one («core») includes information that has been established in science; the second one – variable – new knowledge («shell»), which reflects trends in the development of primary school didactics at a certain historical stage. The procedural component involves an activity-based approach to teaching didactics, aims at the formation of students’ (abilities, skills, competencies) to apply acquired knowledge in professional activities, and is implemented by performing practical tasks of various levels of difficulty. The motivational component ensures sustained interest in primary school didactics as a science, positive motivation to acquiring didactic (subject) knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies, and the desire for self-improvement. The result of such training is the didactic competence formed in future primary school teachers, which involves student’s ability to organize the educational process in the school of a first degree at different levels – the content of primary education; forms, methods and means of education; its effectiveness.
Keywords: primary school, the concept of the New Ukrainian School, didactics of primary school, future primary school teacher, didactic training of future primary school teachers, structural components (content, procedural, motivational) of didactic training, didactic competence of future primary school teachers.  

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