The Use of Political Caricature of the End of the 19th and Beginning of the XX Centuries in History Lessons as a Means Of Forming Students' Media Literacy
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political caricature
information warfare
formation of students' media literacy
history lesson

How to Cite

Moroz П., & Moroz І. (2023). The Use of Political Caricature of the End of the 19th and Beginning of the XX Centuries in History Lessons as a Means Of Forming Students’ Media Literacy. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 184–194.


The article highlights the peculiarities of the use of political cartoons in history lessons and reveals their role in information wars on the eve and during the First World War. According to the authors, the use of political cartoons in the educational process is one of the most effective means of forming media literacy in students, which in the conditions of large-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine is an extremely important task of school history education.
The authors analyzed the works dedicated to revealing the features of political caricature as a means of conducting information wars on the eve/during the First World War; scientific-pedagogical research on the methodology of using caricatures in history lessons. Peculiarities of the political caricature as a historical source are studied. The dominant themes of political cartoons in the outlined historical period are established. The images, plots and characters of political caricatures, and their semantic meaning are considered.
Having analyzed methodical approaches to the use of political cartoons as a historical source, the authors propose an algorithm for their interpretation and analysis. The methodological value of caricatures, in their opinion, is that they create a bright image, briefly and vividly summarize the essence of a historical or social phenomenon or event. The article presents samples of research tasks on the analysis of political caricatures of the specified period.
The conducted research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem of using political caricature as a means of forming media literacy of students of general secondary education. According to the authors, further research is needed to study the caricature as an important visual tool for the formation of public opinion in other historical periods.
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