Educational Losses During Martial Law: Problems of Diagnosis and Compensation
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education recovery
educational losses
diagnostics of educational losses
mechanisms of compensation for educational losses

How to Cite

Topuzov, O., Holovko, M. ., & Lokshyna, O. . (2023). Educational Losses During Martial Law: Problems of Diagnosis and Compensation. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 5–13.


The article highlights the problem of diagnosing and compensating for educational losses as a complex indicator of an educational system. It is emphasised that educational losses have a cumulative effect and increase in proportion to the duration of the cessation of educational institutions functioning. The authors identify the main factors that cause educational losses under martial law and are related to the lack of access to educational services due to the security situation, destruction of educational infrastructure, forced displacement of educational process participants, and lack of technical means of distance learning.
The tendency to decrease the level of students’ learning achievements in the conditions of distance learning, violation of the systematic and full-functionality of control and evaluation activities of teachers is revealed. The main difficulties in the implementation of the educational process under martial law are analysed and it is stated that one of the factors of effective online learning, no less important than the availability of high-speed Internet and modern gadgets, is a sufficient level of digital competence of students and teachers.
The approaches to compensation for educational losses in international educational practice are generalised and a conclusion is made about the expediency of its use, taking into account the specific conditions and educational needs of the Ukrainian students, teachers, and parents. The author substantiates the need to develop a methodology and tools for implementing a broad diagnostic study, including Ukrainian students abroad, in order to identify the level of educational losses and develop specific mechanisms for their compensation. It is concluded that it is important to have partnerships between all participants in the educational process, cooperation between educational institutions, parents and the community in the timely identification and compensation of educational losses. Although the State plays a leading role in compensating for educational losses by providing appropriate socio-economic, material and technical conditions for quality education, all participants in the educational process - students, teachers, heads of educational institutions and parents - should make their contribution. Therefore, the full restoration and development of modern education in Ukraine depends on their motivation and positive emotional and value perception, as well as cooperation between educational institutions and the community.
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