Development of Creative Abilities of the Individual in the Process of Blended Learning Based on Partnership Pedagogy
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creative abilities
creative personality
blended learning
educational space
partnership pedagogy
progressive teacher

How to Cite

Demianchuk Г. ., & Stankevyc Н. . (2023). Development of Creative Abilities of the Individual in the Process of Blended Learning Based on Partnership Pedagogy. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 43–51.


The article is devoted to the problem of the development of creative abilities of the individual in the process of blended learning based on partnership pedagogy. The key forms and methods that contribute to the development of the creative abilities of the individual have been identified.
It has been found that in the modern conditions of education development, blended learning plays an important role, which makes it possible to use the convenience of distance learning and the advantages of a traditional class, where students learn to work independently with various sources, to acquire knowledge independently. The authors of the study draw attention to the fact that it is possible to ensure such creative self-realization only on the basis of partnership pedagogy, which establishes a democratic way of cooperation between the participants of the educational process.
The role of the development of individual creative abilities in the process of blended learning is considered. It has been proven that blended learning is child-centered in nature. Participants actively interact with each other and the teacher, which provides an opportunity to improve creatively. The advantage of blended learning is that the teacher is no longer the only source of information. In the process of such training, students learn to work independently with various sources, to acquire knowledge independently. It enables better assimilation of information, develops independence, ability to make decisions, cooperation skills, etc.
It has been found that the use of gamification in the process of blended learning increases the motivation of students and promotes the development of creative abilities of the individual. This is a great way to get feedback in a playful way, conduct reflection, and discuss learning topics together.
The use of gamification in the educational process increases the interest of students and their motivation, promotes emotional involvement and social interaction between peers, and also promotes the development of creative abilities of the individual.
It is emphasized that every teacher must adhere to the principles of partnership pedagogy in his/her practical activities in order to realize the mission of the Ukrainian national school, which consists in educating Ukrainians, comprehensively developed, responsible citizens and patriots capable of development and innovation.
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