Implementing Miro Online Board in General Secondary Education Institutions Amid Blended Learning
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blended learning
distance learning
general secondary education institutions
Miro online board

How to Cite

Malykhin О. ., Aristova Н. ., & Rogova В. . (2023). Implementing Miro Online Board in General Secondary Education Institutions Amid Blended Learning. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 52–58.


The article examines the implementation of blended learning in general secondary education institutions with electronic means of education in general and the use of the Miro online board in particular. The application of blended learning involves the use of elements of electronic learning (electronic information and educational resources, information and telecommunication technologies) while preserving the general principles of traditional educational process. At the same time, the combination of technologies can occur at the level of a separate topic, discipline, or at the level of the educational program as a whole.
Considerable attention is paid to the substantiation of the didactic potential of the Miro online board as a workspace with a number of educational functions. The advantages of using the Miro online board for providing blended learning in general secondary education institutions were analyzed and the possibilities of its usage for developing student-student interactions during group tasks were investigated.
It was concluded that the Miro online board contributes to the development of students' creative abilities while implementing problem-oriented and project-based learning. Joint types of work and interactive cooperation between students amid distance learning determine the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition, the development of various types of thinking and stimulate students’ cognitive activity. Virtual whiteboard services are an effective tool for organizing educational process in both synchronous and asynchronous learning formats. The Miro online board is regarded as a means of providing blended learning in general secondary education institutions which enables the effective organization of students-teacher’s interactive cooperation, the storage of gained results in the cloud environment which can be accessed at a convenient time via the appropriate link. The Miro online board enables to improve interactive cooperation between students, to provide feedback and to engage them in creative cooperation. Moreover, it promotes the development of students’ project-based activities and their ability to plan and analyze these activities. We see the prospect of further scientific research in the diversification of blended learning in general secondary education institutions by means of implementing information technologies.
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