Problems of Formation of the Educational Space of the United Territorial Community of the Rural Location
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united territorial community
management of education in rural areas
management of education in rural areasmanagement of education in rural areas

How to Cite

Pushkarova Т. ., & Koval-Maziuta М. . (2023). Problems of Formation of the Educational Space of the United Territorial Community of the Rural Location. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 66–74.


The decentralization of power structures carried out in Ukraine in one way or another provides for the provision of powers, resource provision and sufficient independence to the newest institutions of local self-government – the management structures of united territorial communities in cities and in rural areas for the performance, among other duties, of the function of providing accessible and quality educational services in accordance with state educational standards.
It would seem that under the condition of the transfer of power to the united territorial communities with their autonomous powers in relation to the organization of educational activities, the educational process will be fully close to local traditions and preferences. At the same time, the problem of institutional support of educational activities by local self-government bodies remains insufficiently resolved. In this way, it turns out that, on the one hand, united territorial communities were given previously unknown powers, and, on the other hand, state institutions did not have time to provide local self-government bodies with a methodical set of legitimate legal norms and standards. The outlined problems are further exacerbated by the fact that simultaneously with the transfer of education management functions to the united territorial communities, the state entrusts their regional structures with the responsibilities of providing health care, communal services, social protection, sports, culture, employment, etc. The indicated functions are to some extent familiar to rural united territorial communities, while rural united territorial communities express enough cautions and questions both in the organizational and methodical sense due to the lack of experience, finances and qualified specialists.
In this way, one of the tasks of the scientific community under the conditions of decentralization of education is the study of potential problems, obstacles and risks that may arise during the construction of educational space in the united territorial communities of rural areas, and the determination of rational ways to minimize them or gradually reduce and eliminate them.
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