The article deals with the complex survey of the curriculum of educational subject “Fundamentals of Law” for the 9th grade of the institutions of secondary education and the appropriate methodological system. It is proved that teaching of the basis of legislation assists and supports the achievement of the goal and target implementation of the tasks of basic secondary education, satisfies the demand of Ukrainian society in forming in the students of the ability to live in the society, readiness to consciousness in living choice and self-realization, labour activity, public activity, responsibility etc. It is accused that the abovementioned subject has got a potential due to the development of the key competencies, skills and attitudes in students playing the great role in the increasing of their social and public competences. It is determined that the school subject “Fundamentals of Law” has a straight competence direction, orientation on the forming/ development of the key and legal subject competencies. It is proved that the content of the curriculum is selected and structured on the basis of achievements of the juridical science and practice, grounded on the system of axiological coordinates, which are integrated according to the international, national, democratic, common human, legal values as a result of introduction of national juridical science into the European scientific space. The attention is drawn to the peculiarities of organizing the educational process for the students on the basis of legislation within the frame of the subject curriculum. It is emphasized on the need for a more detailed presentation in the annotation of the curriculum of the methodological statements regarding the technics and strategies of teaching this subject, indicative types of educational activities of students, ways and means of developing the key competencies of students in the lessons of this subject.
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