Features of Studying the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering in Technology Classes in the Conditions of Distance Education
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basics of electrical engineering
virtual laboratory

How to Cite

Pavlovska Н. ., & Pavlovskyy Ю. . (2023). Features of Studying the Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering in Technology Classes in the Conditions of Distance Education. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 133–140. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-1-133-140


The article examines the peculiarities of studying the basics of electrical engineering in institutions of general secondary education in labor training and technology lessons in the conditions of distance learning. The need to update the content of electrical engineering works in the context of the transition from the subject «Labor Training» to «Technology» and taking into account modern achievements of science and technology and socio-economic relations in Ukraine is substantiated. The problem of students’
acquisition of new knowledge, abilities and skills from the basics of electrical engineering in the conditions of distance learning is proposed to be solved with the help of software and hardware complexes: remote or virtual laboratories such as Multisim, PhET, Electronics Workbench, LabVIEW, etc. You should use the PhET program to study DC electric circuits. PhET simulations are readily available and free to anyone with a device and an internet connection. No account or login is required to use, teachers can also access exercises and video courses with a free account. For modeling and analysis of electrical circuits, it is recommended to use the Electronics Workbench circuit modeling system or the Multisim system. In the process of performing a virtual laboratory experiment, you can consistently and meaningfully extract the necessary elements from the electronic library of components and measuring devices, independently assemble and study an electrical or electronic circuit on a computer monitor. At the same time, the research capabilities of any modern stand are incomparably smaller than those of remote laboratory software. At the same time, it was noted that, despite the fact that work in the virtualelectrical engineering laboratory is convenient for both students and teachers, a rational combination of computer modeling and classes in the physical laboratory is necessary, since drawing up electrical circuits and getting acquainted with real devices necessary for future technicians and engineers.

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