The changes taking place in society in various sectors of production in general and in the field of education in particular led to the need for the formation of new educational competences – environmental competence. The formation of a dynamic ecological-pedagogical stereotype of a modern science teacher is determined both by the social demand for an ecologically active and competent person, and by the trend of environmentalization of the educational environment. The article reviews the importance and state of preparation of an ecologically competent modern teacher who is capable of full-fledged ecological pedagogical activity, its analysis and correction. It was established that the theoretical and methodological training of future teachers for the formation of students' environmental competences is realized by familiarizing the applicants with the purpose and tasks of environmental education and environmental competence, with the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at school and the methodology of formation of environmental competence, levels of formation of environmental competence in students. At the same time, we emphasize the attention of applicants that during the implementation of the ecological competence potential of school geography, it is necessary to take into account the ecological features of cross-cutting topics of the educational discipline, aspects of the implementation of the educational process, and the latest technologies and methods of forming ecological competence. It was found that the formation of environmental competences of students is achieved by means of ecology under the conditions of environmentalization of the content of educational material, implementation of ecological content lines in school geography courses, application of technologies and methods of traditional and innovative geography education and diversification of forms of organization of the educational process. Three components of environmental competence are identified, which can be formed in students during educational and cognitive activities: individual, cognitive and activity. For the practical preparation of future teachers for the formation of students' ecological competence in geography lessons (grade 8), a methodical development of an ecological path on the topic «The wonder of my village» is presented.
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