Diagnostics of the implementation of the applied orientation of school natural science education
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school natural education
pedagogical diagnostics
applied orientation
practice-oriented tasks
key competencies

How to Cite

Melnyk Ю. (2023). Diagnostics of the implementation of the applied orientation of school natural science education. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 84–93. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-2-84-93


The article analyses the current state of school Natural Science education based on the results of a survey using Google Form technology, which covers more than 7 thousand teachers of general secondary education institutions. The issues of diagnostics of the implementation of applied orientation in the context of improving the content of training and its didactic support, a system of methods and techniques aimed at optimizing the educational process, effective formation of key competencies are highlighted.
It is found that the key aspect of the applied orientation of modern school Natural Science education is the maximum orientation of its content, methods, forms and means of teaching on the application of knowledge in technology and technologies, scientific research and professional activities of a person and his/her daily life. It is concluded that strengthening the applied orientation of school Natural Science education can become an important didactic condition for the formation of key competencies in students.
It is established that an important tool for implementing the applied orientation of natural education is practice-oriented research tasks, as a rule, intersubject content, the solution of which contributes to the thorough assimilation by applicants of knowledge of the natural world, skills and abilities, awareness of the practical significance of scientific theories and their impact on the development of technology and technologies. Performing tasks of an applied nature contributes both to the formation of subject competence in a specific natural subject, and key competence in the field of natural sciences, technology and technologies.
The existence of a significant connection between the competence potential of the content of school natural education and its applied orientation is justified, which is a means of establishing a connection between the content and target components of the natural education industry, the priority of mastering of which is the acquisition of knowledge and skills by students that they need during their lifetime.
Attention is focused on the problem of implementing the didactic functions of an educational experiment in the context of distance learning as a tool for strengthening the applied orientation of school Natural Science education.

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