The Impact of the Official Status of the School Principal on the Objectiveness of the Evaluation of Educational and Management Processes at the Educational Institution
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official status
head of the institution
development of the education institution
general secondary education

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Lukina Т. (2023). The Impact of the Official Status of the School Principal on the Objectiveness of the Evaluation of Educational and Management Processes at the Educational Institution. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 94–106.


The article presents the results of a comparative empirical study on the identification of differences and features of the perception by the heads of general secondary education institutions of how difficult it is for them to carry out an objective assessment of various characteristics and results of educational and managerial processes as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of an internal system of ensuring the education quality in the activities of an educational institution. The study was conducted by the method of questioning. The internal consistency of the questionnaire questions was determined using the Cronbach α-test and amounted to 0,848. The answers of 199 managers were analyzed depending on their official status (school principal or vice-principal). The results of the statistical analysis confirmed, at a significance level of r = 0,05, the existence of differences between different categories of heads of educational institutions (school principal or vice-principal) in the perception of the difficulty in maintaining objectivity in their assessment. It was revealed that school principals in the ranking process tend to give generally higher marks to their own feelings of difficulty in maintaining objectivity in the assessment than vice-principals. The magnitude of the difference effect was d = 0,49 in general, which corresponds to approximately the average value of the difference in the results of the ranking of ratings. The highest effect value (d = 1,13007) was found in the perception of the heads of educational institutions of the degree of difficulty in an objective assessment of the parameters of analytical and evaluation activities, the lowest d = 0,06748) – in the parameters of self-assessment by the heads of their own competence and the effectiveness of professional activities. It is substantiated and with the help of factor analysis it is confirmed that the differences in the assessments by the heads of general secondary education institutions of the perception of the difficulty in maintaining objectivity in assessing the components and characteristics of educational and managerial processes at school may be due to the specifics of professional activity and differences in the duties of these categories of leaders.
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