Modeling the Process of Formation of Design and Technological Competence of Technology Teachers
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design-technological competence
future technology teachers
educational process
structural-functional model

How to Cite

Orshanskyі L., Matvisiv, Y., Yasenytskyi, V., & Ursu, V. (2023). Modeling the Process of Formation of Design and Technological Competence of Technology Teachers. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 147–155.


The article updates the problem of forming the design and technological competence of future technology teachers in the process of professional training. It was determined that design and technological competence is the integrated integrity of polytechnic knowledge and skills to perform measuring, calculation, assembly and technological operations, as well as to design, construct and model technical objects, plan technological processes, develop independence, technical and technological thinking, interest in techniques and ability to solve creative technical problems. The structure of design-technological competence is defined, which includes the following components: 1) constructive knowledge, skills and abilities to select ready-made educational information (texts, illustrations, diagrams, tables, etc.), create different versions of visual aids, control texts, reference notes, etc., as well as didactically justified selection of teaching methods and techniques, special digital tools for organizing training sessions; 2) graphic knowledge, skills and drawing design skills in accordance with the requirements of the European Standard for Education, including with the help of digital means; 3) design-technological knowledge, skills and abilities to develop drawings of details of technical objects in accordance with the requirements of the ESKD and taking into account the properties of materials, methods of processing, etc.
A theoretically grounded structural-functional model of the formation of design-technological competence of a technology teacher, who not only possesses theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but is also capable of creative design-technological activity, its analysis, adjustment and dissemination as an educational technology in an institution of general secondary education. The quality of the structural-functional model of the formation of the design-technological competence of the technology teacher has been verified: a pedagogical experiment was conducted to test it, expert evaluation and correction, and a decision on its use in mass practice was made.
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