Specific Features of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Full-Scale Warfare
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distance education
online education
blended format of education
general educational institutions
institutions of higher education
advantages and disadvantages of distance learning
quality of education

How to Cite

Chykalova М. ., & Yukhno Н. . (2023). Specific Features of the Educational Process in the Conditions of Full-Scale Warfare. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 13–22. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-3-13-22


The article emphasizes the specifics of conducting the educational process in wartime conditions. Positive (namely remote access, flexible schedule for preparing and completing tasks, education of independence and self-discipline, etc.) and negative (first of all, technical problems, lack of communication, Internet, lack of live communication, which often turns into isolation and alienation, etc.) aspects of distance learning are revealed, special attention is focused on the expediency of conducting blended learning that combines elements of traditional learning in educational institutions (lecture classes, creation of joint projects, organization of practical classes and independent work, etc.) with the use of information technologies and online resources (interaction with the teacher or classmates through virtual platforms and tools, etc.). During the years of distance learning, the problem of live communication (communicative aspect) has become acute not only in general education institutions, but also in the institutions of higher education. After all, only effective interaction between pupils/students and teachers encourages to solve tasks together and promotes the development of communication skills and an active position in acquiring knowledge. Parallel provision of educational online services to gymnasium students and university students was conducted. The relevance of cooperation of general educational institutions and universities in matters of mutual integration in the educational space was emphasized. The main components of effective interaction on issues of scientific research, academic mobility, holding cultural events, etc. are highlighted. The recommendations regarding the provision of quality education in the conditions of force majeure conditions, which determine online education, are characterized. It was determined that the prospects of further scientific research in the field of distance learning organization should be associated with a teaching staff training to work in a blended format and the use of innovative interactive teaching methods.

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