The Problem of Management of School Education in the Scientific Field of Norway
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Maksymenko О. . (2023). The Problem of Management of School Education in the Scientific Field of Norway. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 37–53.


The article is devoted to highlighting the issue of managing school education in the scientific field of Norway, based on the example of the experience of scientific work at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences. Determined as the main driving force of changes in the functioning of education in general and its school sector, in particular, the management is to be realized in the state within school communities for the realization of its own social, educational, reformative and transformational mission, built on the basis of taking into account the special realities of the country of Norway.
It is established that the scientific field of research on the problem of school education management was formed in the dimension that combined the planes of the scientific space of the country, European and globalized scientific experience. Practically, such a scheme of scientific research works, based on the combined means of research of various projects, including projects for obtaining a degree, and an international network, within which work is carried out on the areas of study and development of problems of school education management.
It was determined that for purposeful study of the topic of school education management and the multidimensionality of the studied contexts, a list of tools is used, namely: theoretical and methodological approaches (historical, sociocultural, forecasting, modeling, interdisciplinary, multilevel and cross-contextual analysis) and methods (comparative analysis, cases, analysis of information sources and contexts, extrapolation, etc.), which allows to reveal the peculiarities of the studied phenomenon in Norway and abroad.
The analysis of the subject of research on the management of school education in Norway made it possible to identify the main areas that are closely related and mutually influential: reforming school education in the direction of democratic changes, educational management (governance and cooperation), improvement of curricula, accountability, leadership.
It was concluded that the management of school education is positioned in the country, as well as in Europe, as a new public management through reformation and modernization with a mandatory starting point – taking into consideration the existing differences in national contexts for the further successful transformations. Taking into account the peculiarities of internal needs, the main directions of the new public management are defined as curricular and educational reforms, governance and accountability, leadership and promotion of knowledge, which is explored in the topics of scientific research.
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Baek, C., Tiplic, D., Santos, Í. (2022). Evidence-Based Policymaking in Nordic Countries: Different Settings, Different Practices?. In B. Karseth, K. Sivesind & G. Steiner-Khamsi (Eds.), Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy. A comparative Network Analysis. (pp. 253–279). Palgrave Macmillan. (in English).

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Gunnulfsen, A. E. & Roe, A. (2018). Investigating teachers' and school principals' enactments of national testing policies: A Norwegian study. Journal of Educational Administration, 56 (3), 332-349. (in English).

Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2021). School leadership and micro-policymaking in schools: Time use and the collective care for the self. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1–21. (in English).

Gunnulfsen, A. E., & Jacobsen, H. M. (2022). School–University Partnership for School Development: Risks and Realities of a National Policy Initiative. In Partnerships in Education (pp. 173–194). Springer, Cham. (in English).

Gunnulfsen, A. E., & Larsen, E. (2021, August 31). The Norwegian case of school reform, external quality control, and the call for democratic practice. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press. (in English).

Gunnulfsen, A. E., & Møller, J. (2016). National Testing: Gains or Strains? School Leaders’ Responses to Policy Demands. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 16(3),1–20. (in English).

Hall, J. B. (2018). Processes of reforming: The case of the Norwegian state school inspection policy frameworks. Education Inquiry. 9(4), 397 – 414. (in English).

Hall, J. B. (2018). The performative shift: middle leadership 'in the line of fire'. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 50(4), 364–378. (in English).

Hall, J. B. (2017). "Governing by templates" through new modes of school inspection in Norway. Journal of Educational Change, 18(2), 161–182. (in English).

Hall, D., Grimaldi, E., M Gunter, H., Møller, J., Serpieri, R., Skedsmo, G. (2015). Educational reform and modernisation in Europe: The role of national contexts in mediating the new public management. European Education Research Journal, 14(6), 487-507. (in English).

Hall, J. B., Gunnulfsen. A. E. & Jensen, R. (2023). Organisational Arrangements, Resources and Tensions in the Enactment of a Renewed State Curriculum: The Entrepreneurial Role of Principals and Superintendents. Journal of Educational Administration and History. (in English).

Hall, J. B. & Sivesind, K. (2014). State School Inspection Policy in Norway and Sweden (2002–2012): a reconfiguration of governing modes? Journal of Education Policy, 30(3), 429–458. (in English).

Jensen, R. (2022). Professional development of school leadership as boundary work: patterns of initiatives and interactions based on a Norwegian case. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 25(4), 515–532. (in English).

Karseth, B., Wahlstrӧm, N. (2023). Contemporary trends in curriculum research. In Tierney, R. J., Rizvi, F., Ercikan, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, 7 (pp.74–84). Elsevier. (in English).

Lokshyna, O., Dzhurylo, A., Hlushko, O., Shparyk, O. (2021). Secondary education reform priorities under globalisation: the case of Ukraine in comparison with China, Germany and Poland. SHS Web of Conferences, 104, 1–11. (in English).

Lokshyna, О. (2019). The Secondary Education Reform in Ukraine: Moving to the EU Standards. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio J paedagogia-psychologia, 32, 99–110. (in English).

Luimes, M. & Karseth, B. (2018). Pre-vocational education in the curriculum: the case of Norwegian lower secondary education, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 51(2), 245–261. (in English).

Lunde, I. M. (2021). Emergent school leader subjectivities in digitized practices: the case of VSware. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-21. (in English).

Lunde, I. & Gunnulfsen, A. E. (2021). Governance Through Digital Formations – The Case of ‘What Works’ in a Norwegian Education Context. In John Benedicto Krejsler & Lejf Moos (Eds.), What Works in Nordic School Policies? (pp.195 – 212). Springer. (in English).

Mausethagen, S., Prøitz, T. S. & Skedsmo, G. (2019). School leadership in data use practices: collegial and consensus-oriented. Educational Research, 61(1), 70–86.

Møller, J. (2012). The Construction of a Public Face as a School Principal. The International Jounal of Educational Management, 26(5), 452-460. (in English).

Moller, J. (2018). Creating Cultures of Equity and High Expectations in a Low-Performing School. Interplay Between District and School Leadership. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE), 2 (2–3), 86–102. (in English).

Moller, J. (2021). Images of Norwegian educational leadership - historical and current distinctions. In: Normand, R. et al. (Eds), The Cultural and Social Foundations of Educational Leadership (pp. 67–82). Springer. (in English).

Moller, J. (2020). Management, Leadership and Governance in Secondary Education (Norway). In I. Menter, M. T. Tatto & K. Hognestad (Eds.), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies (pp. 7– 14). Bloomsbury Academic.

Møller, J. & Rönnberg, L. (2021). Critical perspectives in and approaches to educational leadership in two Nordic countries. In S.J. Courtney, H.M. Gunter, R. Niesche & T. Trujillo (Eds), Understanding educational leadership: Critical perspectives and approaches (pp. 105–119). Bloomsbury. (in English).

Moller, J. & Skedsmo, G. (2013). Norway: Centralisation and Decentralisation as Twin Reform Strategies. In L. Moos (Ed.), Transnational Influences on Values and Practices in Nordic Educational Leadership. Is there a Nordic Model? (pp. 61–72). Springer. (in English).

Molstad, Ch. E., & Hansén, S. E. (2013). Curriculum as a governing instrument – A comparative study of Finland and Norway. Education Inquiry, 4(4), 735–753. (in English).

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