Concept of Basic Physical Education: Basic Provisions and Conditions of Implementation
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applicants for basic secondary education
key competencies
natural education
basic physical education

How to Cite

Holovko М. . (2023). Concept of Basic Physical Education: Basic Provisions and Conditions of Implementation. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 54–62.


The article highlights the main provisions of the concept of basic physical education developed by researchers of the Department of Biological, Chemical and Physical Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. It is noted that the concept is an important component of the process of implementing the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education of the third generation in educational practice and develops the idea of moving from the standard of content to the standard of compulsory learning outcomes. Its implementation will contribute to the establishment of a competence paradigm for the formation and implementation of the content of the physical component of the natural education sector, the priority of which is to develop the ability of applicants for basic education to use the acquired knowledge in practice. Therefore, the educational process in physics is not focused on expanding and deepening the content of teaching, but, first of all, on improving students’ skills to explore natural phenomena, analyze and interpret the results as the basis for the formation of research competence and key competencies in the field of natural sciences.
The theoretical and methodological approaches underlying the concept, their compliance with the current state of psychological and pedagogical science, theory and methods of teaching physics, and world trends in the development of educational practice are substantiated. Attention is focused on the mechanisms that provide the possibility of implementing variable models of the basic physics course in school practice, depending on the personal preferences of applicants, the conditions of a particular educational institution and the methodological skills of teachers.
The article analyzes the ways and defines the conditions for the implementation of the concept as a system of provisions that determine the educational strategy for the implementation of the physical component of natural education, aimed at the formation and development of basic education applicants’ skills to explore the world around them and interact harmoniously and responsibly with nature and society.
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