Study on Teachers' Perceptions of Their Own Media and Information Literacy
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media and information literacy

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Hryvko А. . (2023). Study on Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Own Media and Information Literacy. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 79–92.


The article actualizes the problem of teachers’ media and information literacy (MIL). The necessity of assessing teachers’ MFL within the internal system of quality assurance in general secondary education and the search (development) of an appropriate tool is theoretically substantiated. Various scientific approaches to defining the definition framework and structural concept of MIL are considered.
The results of testing a two-dimensional questionnaire (personal and professional dimensions) for self-assessment of teachers’ MIL are proposed for further development of recommendations for possible improvement and its use in the system of internal control of general secondary education institutions.
In the example of an exploratory study involving 349 teachers of general secondary education institutions, the suitability of the questionnaire for self-assessment of teachers’ MIL within the framework of intra-school assessment of the quality of education is determined. The possibilities for analyzing and interpreting the results of the survey are shown. The use of a two-dimensional questionnaire made it possible to compare teachers’ assessment of their own personal and pedagogical MIL, to identify significant groups of teachers’ MIL components (according to the recipients’ perceptions) based on the results of cluster and factor analysis, to build a model of MIL relevant to the study sample (which made it possible to identify the knowledge and skills that require the most attention/development in its structure).
The article shows the possibility of comparing the results of self-assessment of teachers’ MIL grouped by different characteristics, for example, by belonging to educational institutions by type of settlement, by specialization – belonging to a particular educational field. The study revealed general trends in the development of teachers’ MIL, in particular, the need for teachers to improve certain skills in its structure. Further research can be aimed at identifying and methodologically substantiating measures to meet them.
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McDougall, J., Zezulkova, M., van Driel, B., Sternadel, D. (2018). ‘Teaching media literacy in Europe: evidence of effective school practices in primary and secondary education’, NESET II report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. DOI: 10.2766/613204 (in English).

Miège, B. (2017). Sur quelques apports récents de la recherche à la connaissance de l'information [On some recent research contributions to information knowledge]. Les Enjeux de l’Information et de la Communication, 18(1), 51–59. (in English).

Peciuliauskiene, P., Tamoliune, G., & Trepule, E. (2022). Exploring the roles of information search and information evaluation literacy and pre-service teachers' ICT self-efficacy in teaching. International journal of educational technology in higher education, 19(1), 33. (in English).

Pereira, S., & Moura, P. (2022). Assessing Media Literacy Competences: Reflections and Recommendations from a Quantitative Study. Journal of Media Literacy Education Pre-Prints. Retrieved from (in English).

Porat, E., Blau, I., Barak, A. (2018) Measuring digital literacies: Junior high-school students' perceived competencies versus actual performance. Computers & Education, 126. 23–36. (in English).

Schilder, E., & Redmond, T. (2019). Measuring Media Literacy Inquiry in Higher Education: Innovation in Assessment. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 11(2), 95-121. (in English).

Schilder, E., Lockee, B. & Saxon., D. (2016). The Challenges of Assessing Media Literacy Education. Journal of Media Literacy Education 8(1), 32 – 48. (in English).

Simons, M., Meeus, W. & T’Sas, J. (2017). Measuring Media Literacy for Media Education: Development of a Questionnaire for Teachers' Competencies. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 9(1), 99 – 115. (in English).

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