Human Spirituality and Physicality in the Context of Values of Future Healthcare Professionals
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healthfuture healthcare professionals
integral thinking
theory of sustainable development

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Khrystenko О. . (2023). Human Spirituality and Physicality in the Context of Values of Future Healthcare Professionals. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 114–122.


The concepts of human physicality and spirituality in theological and contemporary scientific discourses from the point of view of modeling the future healthcare professionals’ values are analysed in the article.
It has been established that in the theological context human physicality is related to sacredness, which justifies its value; the priority of a person’s spiritual development is obvious compared to the physical one, and at the same time the influence of a person’s spirituality on his/her physical state is emphasized. Therefore, for students (future healthcare professionals) both personal physical and spiritual well-being express the essence of health as a value.
The important factors in development of professional values of students of the institutions of higher medical education have been determined: on the one hand, new concepts and theories spreading in the 21st century society (the theory of sustainable development, gender theory, etc.), and on the other hand, innovative trends in development of science and technology (genetic engineering, nanotechnology, reproductive technology, etc.); under certain conditions they may negatively affect both physical and mental health of an individual as well as the prosperous wellbeing of the humans on the planet as a whole.
The challenges for healthcare professionals regarding gender identity and intervention in the human body as of gender change have been analysed. The problem is that in the age of “post-corporeality” the doctors have to understand the issue profoundly in order to take a proper professional stand according to values justified.
It has been proved that these days the value of a person in the unity of body and soul from the conception as well as the value of person’s physicality as a natural gift, which does not hint at its destruction and violation of the laws of nature is being actualized. These values should be implemented as the basic professional values of future healthcare professionals, who are obliged a priori to stand guard over human life and natural laws that provide a normal viable environment for a person. The implementation of bioethical values into the higher medical education space, including within the humanitarian training of future doctors, contribute to prevention of potential technological threats to the health and safety of individuals and society.
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