The article submitted for discussion by scientists and practitioners provides an interpretation of the decoupling phenomenon. A generalized definition of the phenomenon and specific features of its manifestations in the structural development of the modern Ukrainian school are provided. The methodological appropriateness of the inclusion of the concept of “decoupling” in the categorical apparatus of pedagogical science is discussed, and the range of organizational and methodical issues that are tangential to the manifestations of the decoupling effect during the implementation of educational activities is characterized. The effective signs accompanying manifestations of decoupling in the conditions of reforming the national education system were analyzed in terms of coordination, on the one hand of the qualitative level of services, and on the other hand, of the quantitative saving of resources involved in the functional and organizational structure of the educational sector.
Analyzing the phonemic decoupling considerations and judgments provided during the study, it is extremely important to determine that an unfounded and uncoordinated increase in expenses for the organization of educational activities will not always lead to an improvement in the quality of education. The discussed processes provide for different (quantitative or qualitative) organizational mechanisms, and therefore the increase in funding in the education system will not have a uniquely correlated effect on improving the quality of a few services provided to students by educational institutions.
At the same time, the practical implementation of the formula “increasing the quality level of education while reducing the costs of its established activities” can be ensured either by suspending the high rates of increased financing of dubious educational projects, or by designing and introducing innovative pedagogical technologies into the field of educational activity, which has every chance to accelerate the rate of growth of quality indicators in the context of the organization of the steady development of the national system of continuous education.
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