Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the stages of development of the concept of integration in education are defined and characterized. The terminology and understanding of this concept of the previous stages of development used at each subsequent stage, that is, the understanding of the concept is not reborn, but rather enriched and supplemented with new characteristics. The article describes the peculiarities of the introduction of an integrative approach in modern conditions of widespread use of digital educational resources.
The authors proved that the use of integrated education contributes to the formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world in students, to understanding the place of knowledge from one or another educational subject in the modern technological, information society. The article also presents the requirements for training teachers, which they must have in order to successfully organize the educational process, taking into account the features of integrated learning and the active use of digital technologies in educational activities.
The authors developed and presented in the article a technological scheme for the implementation of integrated learning, according to which the stages of teacher preparation for conducting an integrated lesson are defined. According to this scheme, firstly the object of study is determined, and then the subjects into which the object under consideration can be divided. At the next stage, the educational goals of the integrated educational subjects and the integrated educational goal are determined. Next, the content, means, methods, organizational forms of education in the relevant subjects are selected.
It is advisable to apply the technological scheme of the organization of integrated learning proposed in the study to teachers in the process of preparing for conducting integrated lessons. The given topics for study by future teachers will contribute to the formation and development of the knowledge of students of pedagogical specialties regarding various digital educational resources and understanding the peculiarities of the methodology of the educational process at various stages of lessons with a pedagogically balanced use of digital educational resources based on integrated learning.
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