The Technology of Forecasting and Designing the Variable Component of Educational Program of Gymnasium and/or Lyceum in the Process of Intra-School Scientific and Methodological Work
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content of basic and specialized general secondary education
gymnasium/lyceum educational program
variable component of the gymnasium/lyceum educational program
system of intra-school scientific and methodological work

How to Cite

Puzikov Д. . (2023). The Technology of Forecasting and Designing the Variable Component of Educational Program of Gymnasium and/or Lyceum in the Process of Intra-School Scientific and Methodological Work. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 144–154.


The article describes the technology developed by the author for forecasting and designing the variable component of the educational program of the gymnasium and/or lyceum in the process of intra-school scientific and methodological work. Technology is defined as a means of activity that includes a toolkit (coordinated set of methods and techniques, means) and an algorithm (an appropriate sequence of stages and procedures) for creating an optimal variable component of the educational program in the system of intra-school scientific and methodological work. In the system of scientific and methodological work of the school, it is considered as a subsystem (component), which performs a number of related functions: informational, integrative, regulatory, organizational, coordinating, motivational, educational and self-educational. In the component structure of the technology, the subject, object, target, substantive, instrumental, and effective subsystems are distinguished. The technology algorithm involves the implementation of a series of successive stages, namely: organizational-administrative, preparatory-motivational, diagnostic-prognostic, design-conventional, implementation, evaluation-resultative, corrective-organizational. Each of the above-mentioned stages has its tasks, content, means, and expected intermediate results.
Prospects for further research are related to experimental testing and wide implementation of the above-mentioned technology in the system of scientific and methodological work of domestic institutions of general secondary education.
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