Foreign Language Educational Communicative Environment as a Means of Integrated Formation in Gymnasium Students the Mechanisms of Communication and Familiarity With the Culture of the Country, Which Language Is Learned
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educational foreign language communicative environment
competence-oriented foreign language learning
integrated learning
foreign language communication

How to Cite

Redko В. . (2023). Foreign Language Educational Communicative Environment as a Means of Integrated Formation in Gymnasium Students the Mechanisms of Communication and Familiarity With the Culture of the Country, Which Language Is Learned. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 187–196.


In the article, the author offers his own definition and outlines the didactic and methodological characteristics of the technology of creating an educational foreign language communicative environment (OICS). Treating it as a kind of educational space, he presents the author’s argumentation and interprets the ways and means of possible use of a balanced set of methods, forms, types and means of learning, which, in the absence of a permanent extracurricular foreign language environment in the daily life of students, can contribute to their active mastery of communication in a foreign language in various kinds of speech activity in accordance with the requirements of educational programs. Their effectiveness is extrapolated by the author to the potential opportunities and acquired educational experience of students in grades 7–9.
An important role in OICS is given to its structural components, which are considered transdisciplinary guidelines for the educational activity of students and teachers.
The presented types, forms and means of learning within OICS are interpreted in the context of social changes and attitudes towards a foreign language as an important means of intercultural communication and a mechanism for organizing and maintaining contacts in various social spheres of the modern multilingual and multicultural world space.
Determining OICS as a specially modeled multifunctional system of integrated formation of mechanisms of foreign language communication and familiarization with the culture of the country whose language is studied by students, the author presents its functions, which makes it possible to more convincingly substantiate and more clearly understand the methodological essence of its components and the didactic need to create conditions for their use in practical activities caused by changes in pedagogical paradigms and social needs of today’s world community. The author examines all types of students’ activities from the perspective of trends in the development of modern school foreign language education and focusing it on competence principles.
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