Features of Integrated Tasks Implementation in “Exploring History and Society” Integrated Course for Grades 5–6
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integrated tasks
systemic thinking
methodological recommendations
integrated course “Exploring History and Society”

How to Cite

Moroz П. ., & Moroz І. . (2023). Features of Integrated Tasks Implementation in “Exploring History and Society” Integrated Course for Grades 5–6. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 205–216. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-3-205-216


The article examines the peculiarities of designing and implementing integrated tasks in the “Exploring History and Society” integrated course for students in grades 5–6. It highlights that integrated tasks within the context of learning the integrated course “Exploring History and Society. Grades 5–6” are pedagogically constructed educational problem situations or assignments that involve the comprehensive use of knowledge, skills, and experiences acquired while studying various subjects and personal experiences. The main goal is to develop students’ key competencies, systemic thinking, and comprehensive understanding of events, phenomena, and societal processes throughout different historical periods. The authors identify the structural components of integrated tasks and provide methodological requirements for their formulation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of developing a system of integrated tasks that considers the students’ age-specific characteristics and cognitive needs. The article also focuses on the importance of combining various forms of teaching during the implementation of integrated tasks, such as individual, paired, group, and collective work. Specific examples illustrate the methodological features of designing and using integrated tasks during school lessons of the course “Exploring History and Society.” The authors emphasize the significance of adapting integrated tasks to the age-specific characteristics of digital generation children. This includes the use of interactive teaching methods, visual materials, digital technologies, and resources to enhance students’ perception and understanding of historical and civic education materials. The article presents an algorithm to assist teachers in designing integrated tasks for the course “Exploring History and Society.” Further research should focus on defining types of integrated tasks and developing criteria for their evaluation, as such tasks encompass several aspects of societal development and often incorporate materials from subjects/courses of other educational domains.
The article examines the peculiarities of designing and implementing integrated tasks in the “Exploring History and Society” integrated course for students in grades 5–6. It highlights that integrated tasks within the context of learning the integrated course “Exploring History and Society. Grades 5–6” are pedagogically constructed educational problem situations or assignments that involve the comprehensive use of knowledge, skills, and experiences acquired while studying various subjects and personal experiences. The main goal is to develop students’ key competencies, systemic thinking, and comprehensive understanding of events, phenomena, and societal processes throughout different historical periods. The authors identify the structural components of integrated tasks and provide methodological requirements for their formulation. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of developing a system of integrated tasks that considers the students’ age-specific characteristics and cognitive needs. The article also focuses on the importance of combining various forms of teaching during the implementation of integrated tasks, such as individual, paired, group, and collective work. Specific examples illustrate the methodological features of designing and using integrated tasks during school lessons of the course “Exploring History and Society.” The authors emphasize the significance of adapting integrated tasks to the age-specific characteristics of digital generation children. This includes the use of interactive teaching methods, visual materials, digital technologies, and resources to enhance students’ perception and understanding of historical and civic education materials. The article presents an algorithm to assist teachers in designing integrated tasks for the course “Exploring History and Society.” Further research should focus on defining types of integrated tasks and developing criteria for their evaluation, as such tasks encompass several aspects of societal development and often incorporate materials from subjects/courses of other educational domains.

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