Features of Designing an Educational Environment in the Conditions of Digitalization of Society During the Time of Marital State in Ukraine
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educational environment
digitalization of education
security, educational losses

How to Cite

Trubacheva С. ., Mushka О. ., & Zamaskina П. . (2023). Features of Designing an Educational Environment in the Conditions of Digitalization of Society During the Time of Marital State in Ukraine. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 46–52. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-4-46-52


Solving the problem of designing the educational environment of an educational institution today, during martial law, is an extremely urgent issue, which is transformed and acquires new accents in the conditions of digitalization of modern society. First of all, the tasks of ensuring the safety of the educational environment and creating conditions for overcoming educational losses are important in this aspect. In these conditions, the issue of further development of distance learning, which is a priority especially in those regions where students do not have access to educational institutions or this access is limited, also becomes relevant. In this regard, the purpose of this study is to highlight the features of the educational environment design technology, which are caused, first, by the development of the digitalization process in society and the new opportunities that are created in connection with this in education; secondly, educational losses that arose in the conditions of the war in Ukraine and require diagnosis and overcoming.
The methods of achieving the goal of the research, which are applied in this article, are: the development of the technology for designing the educational and developmental environment of a general secondary education institution in the conditions of digitalization of society during martial law and presenting its features. The main result is the determination of the features of the design of the educational and developmental environment of the education institution in the conditions of digitalization of society during the martial law and their presentation in the form of design technology.

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