Institutional Audit and Self-Assessment of Educational Institutions: Unity and Contradiction in Results
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institutional audit
external auditor
head of educational institution
general secondary education

How to Cite

Lukina Т. . (2023). Institutional Audit and Self-Assessment of Educational Institutions: Unity and Contradiction in Results. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 61–73.


The article updates the problem of creating a model for ensuring the education quality in general secondary education institutions, which is based on a combination of mechanisms for external evaluation of school activity with procedures for self-evaluation of the results of the functioning of the institution and provides for the use of opportunities for evaluating the development of school culture and improving the professional competence of teaching staff. It was found that granting educational institutions the right to independently determine the structure of the internal system of ensuring the education quality leads to use of various indicators and criteria for self-assessment of the achieved results, which complicates the analysis of the situation and the formulation of conclusions. A methodical method is proposed for comparing the specified results of the assessment of various aspects of the school's activity, which provides for the procedures for matching the scales and ranking the parameters of the educational and administrative activities based on the magnitude of the differences in the average values of the results of the ranking assessment. It is noted that the identification of differences in the results of the evaluation of the activities of secondary schools by various entities will allow focusing on those aspects of the work of the educational institution that are the most problematic, which, in turn, will contribute to the improvement of the methodology of institutional audit and internal evaluation of the school. A comparative analysis of the results of external audits (institutional audits) and self-assessment of general secondary education institutions was carried out in order to identify common features and contradictions in the vision of various subjects in the assessment of the quality of the implementation of certain characteristics of educational and management processes. It was found that the possible combination of the results of the assessment by external auditors and school principals of the characteristics of educational and management processes together with the assessments by the heads of the general secondary education institution of the degree of their objectivity form three main options for the interpretation of the combined assessment of the activity of the educational institution, the so-called: «hard assessment", "soft resistance» and «conflict assessment».
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