Project Learning as a Means of Forming the Competencies of Future Managers
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project-oriented learning
project method
interdisciplinary projects
educational process
vocational higher education

How to Cite

Pandazi А. ., & Stanzhur Т. (2023). Project Learning as a Means of Forming the Competencies of Future Managers. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 88–95.


The article examines the theoretical foundations of project-based learning, its role in the formation of competencies of students of vocational pre-higher education, the development of critical and creative thinking; the peculiarities of the implementation of the project-oriented approach in the educational process are revealed. An example of the introduction and implementation of project-based learning in the Republic of Turkey in the form of the opening of project schools is given. The theoretical principles of using the method of project learning in educational activities have been analyzed.
The article presents the author’s experience of implementing the project method in the institution of vocational pre-higher education within the framework of training student managers; the form of organization of students' work on an interdisciplinary project is proposed, the requirements for the actual implementation of the student project are presented; the method of organizing project activities within the educational disciplines “Personnel Management: Organizational Culture and Theory” and “Informatics and Computer Technology” is described; the author’s development of an educational project on the topic “Factors of Business Success” by students of the 3rd year of the “Management” specialty at the Applied College “Universum” of Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University is presented.
It is noted that thanks to the method of projects, students of professional preliminary higher education deepen practical skills, can form professional, subject and digital competencies, in particular, demonstrate skills in exchanging information, finding alternative solutions, self-organization, self-motivation, and improve previously acquired skills in using MS Office programs, Power Point, MS Office Publisher, Canva service. The project activity stimulates the consolidation of knowledge and practical skills of certain disciplines and topics, which are reflected during the presentation of individual projects.
Prospects for further research are outlined, which consist in substantiating, developing and implementing new educational interdisciplinary projects, studying the experience of foreign countries regarding the application of the project method in the educational process.
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