Evelopment of Professional Competence of Teachers in the Conditions of Modern Educational Space (From the Experience of the “School of Liberal Arts” Educational Complex)
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competence-oriented educational activity
teacher's professional competence
cultural approach to the educational process
joint action of a teacher and a student
unconventional forms of work
atmosphere of creative endeavour

How to Cite

Kyianovskyi А. . (2023). Evelopment of Professional Competence of Teachers in the Conditions of Modern Educational Space (From the Experience of the “School of Liberal Arts” Educational Complex). Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 157–163. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2023-4-157-163


The article is devoted to the development features of professional competence of the teachers of the Communal Institution "School of Liberal Arts" Educational Complex” of the Kherson Regional Council, primarily cultural and axiological features, since the cultural approach to the educational process is one of the main ones in the mentioned institution. Here you can find the description of interesting forms of scientific and methodological work of teachers and educators, which contribute to the improvement of their professional competence, that is the development of original educational programs (in particular the courses like "Traditions of the Ancient Greek Theater" and "Fundamentals of Opera Art"); creation of the book "Conversations About Outstanding People" and the digest "Wisdom of the World for Children: Philosophy for Children in Fairy Tales and Stories"; participation in Readers Conferences, Pedagogical Readings, where classic and new specialized scientific works are studied and modern bestsellers related to pedagogy are discussed; participation in practical seminars for teachers and educators with the invitation of famous scientists and educators; joint teacher-student preparation of theses for students’ scientific works for publication in the school editions, such as the "Journal of Student Humanitarian Direction Scientific Research" and “Zoresvit” Almanac of the “School of Liberal Arts” Students Scientific Research, Abstract and Creative Works”, as well as drafting introductory articles to these theses, etc. The article shows unconventional ways of implementing the principle of exciting joint action of both a teacher and a student as an inseparable part of modern education: carrying out of the School Theater Festival, Literary Readings, the First and Last Bell celebrations on the stage of the M. Kulish Kherson Regional Academic Music and Drama Theater in tandem with famous Kherson actors and actresses, special events, like Colleagues Memorial Meetings, Leisure Parties for technical workers, etc. The development potential of partnership pedagogy and the atmosphere of creative endeavour in the educational institution for the professional competence of teachers and educators has been proven.

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