Individualization of Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines Learning in the Educational Process of Second (Master’s) Level of Education as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem
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individualization of education
individual approach
the principle of education individualization
student’s individual educational trajectory
educational process; second (master’s) level of education
psychological and pedagogical disciplines
pedagogical education

How to Cite

Chalyi А. (2024). Individualization of Psychological and Pedagogical Disciplines Learning in the Educational Process of Second (Master’s) Level of Education as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 97–103.


The modern realities of the functioning of the educational system in Ukraine determine the need for its rapid counteraction against the negative effects caused by the military aggression of the russian federation. The issues of rapid diagnosis and compensation of students’ educational losses and the establishment of a stable (adapted to the existing conditions of the military situation in the country), effective educational process in institutions of higher education are currently relevant. Mastering of a complex of psychological and pedagogical disciplines by future specialists in the process of their master’s training is no exception. Individualization of education is one of the main factors that significantly contributes to the solution of the mentioned tasks of Ukrainian education. It also makes it possible to minimize the contradiction between the pedagogical training of future teachers of higher education institutions and the necessary level of their pedagogical competence for effective professional activity. The development of this issue at the theoretical and practical levels should improve the level of pedagogical education of masters (primarily in non-pedagogical specialties), and therefore, in the long run, raise the level of higher education in Ukraine as a whole. The study of theoretical and practical developments on the mentioned issue shows the significant attention of the scientific and pedagogical community to the problem of individualization in higher education. However, the issue of individualization of the training of psychological and pedagogical disciplines in the educational process of students of the second (master’s) level of education has not been thoroughly investigated. The article provides a general description of the complex of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, included into the master’s educational program of Ukrainian institutions of higher education, reveals the essence of the concept of “individualization of learning” in accordance with the modern educational paradigm, and highlights the expediency of individualizing the studying of master’s psychological and pedagogical disciplines by students during their training in higher education.
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