The effectiveness of using student support technologies in Academic Success Centers at US universities
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higher education
Academic Success Centers at US universities
technology for supporting higher education students
academic coaching
supplemental instructions

How to Cite

Tsymbaliuk С. (2024). The effectiveness of using student support technologies in Academic Success Centers at US universities. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 70–78. Retrieved from


The article presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of the use of technologies to support higher education students, namely: tutoring, supplemental instruction, academic coaching and mentoring. These technologies are used by Academic Success Centers at US universities to improve academic achievement, reduce student dropout, help with course selection, and provide guidance on issues related to learning. The results of the study show that tutoring and supplemental instructions are highly effective technologies that promote strong learning of course materials. The tutoring technology is used in the form of peer tutoring, when senior students serve as course tutors. This type of cooperation benefits both students and senior lecturers. It is found that supplemental instructions are used for courses that are traditionally considered difficult to study (e.g. organic chemistry, genetics, biology, physics). Upon completing a supplemental instruction course, higher education students who regularly attended classes improved their knowledge by a level higher, often moving from intermediate to high or from low to intermediate level. Academic coaching, although a relatively new technology for student support, is a new technology for supporting students, yet it is widely used in the Centers. Academic coaching is aimed at unlocking the potential and acquiring the skills necessary to successfully complete a course of study. The result of working with an academic coach is an increase in the retention rate of students. There is no statistical data on the effectiveness of mentoring in higher education, but there are a number of studies that prove the value of this technology for social adaptation and integration into the student community. Mentoring is a learning and development tool that involves the exchange of experience between mentor and mentee. This technology helps to overcome difficulties that arise during studying.

The study emphasizes the effectiveness of the use of technologies to support higher education students, such as tutoring, additional training, academic coaching and mentoring, and confirms the need for further study of these technologies for the purpose of implementation in Ukrainian higher education institutions.

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Sneyers E., De Witte K. (2018). Interventions in higher education and their effect on student success: a meta-analysis, Educational Review, 70(2), 208–228, (in English).

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Tinoco-Giraldo H, Torrecilla Sánchez EM, García-Peñalvo FJ. (2020). E-Mentoring in Higher Education: A Structured Literature Review and Implications for Future Research. Sustainability, 12(11), 4344. (in English).

Topping, K. J. (2015). Peer Tutoring: old Method, New Developments / Tutoría Entre Iguales: Método Antiguo, Nuevos Avances. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 38 (1), 1–29. (in English).

Topping, K.J., Dehkinet, R., Blanch, S., Corcelles, M., Duran, D. (2013). Paradoxical effects of feedback in international online reciprocal peer tutoring. Computer Educаtion, 61, 225–231. (in English).

What is Supplemental Instruction. (2023). (in English).

Wilmot, J., & Telang, N. K. (2017). Assessment of supplemental instruction programming on first-year academic success. Conference proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education, Annual conference Columbus, Ohio. (in English).

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