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general secondary education
external independent evaluation
educational reforms
magnitude (size) of the effect

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Zhuk Ю. ., & Naumenko С. (2024). EDUCATIONAL REFORMS IN THE MIRROR OF EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT EVALUATION. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 104–117.


The article examines the problem relating the analysis of the effectiveness of managerial, methodical and economic interventions in the education system that are aimed at improving the academic results of students at the population level, as one of the important tasks of pedagogical science. In the study, the authors assumed that the external independent evaluation that can be considered as an objective measure of the level of academic success of graduates of general secondary education institutions makes it possible to characterize the state of the education system in Ukraine at the time of the session of the external independent evaluation.

An attempt was made to find out the impact of the overall effectiveness of the measures implemented in the education system of Ukraine on the level of educational achievements of the graduates of general secondary education institutions for the period 2009-2021, based on the analysis of official external independent evaluation reports\ that are publicly available. An educational subject was chosen for such analysis, as well as the exams that graduates passed at all sessions of the external independent evaluation during this period of time, and the above-mentioned evaluation results could be found out in the official reports of the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education. A series of external independent evaluation sessions is considered as a series of randomized uncontrolled quasi-experiments of a national scale, which are aimed at measuring a certain parameter – the level of academic success of general secondary education institutions graduates. The result of the specified quasi-experiment is the sets of data obtained as a result of conducting a certain number of external independent evaluation sessions. Based on the obtained data, an analysis of the effectiveness of the measures implemented in the education system (educational interventions) over a long period of time as to the level of academic success of graduates of general secondary education institutions was carried out using the methods of mathematical statistics.

The article concludes that during the specified period, the success rate of the graduates of the general secondary education institutions both in individual subject tests and the average success rate according to the results of the external examinations increased. It is hypothesized that one of the main factors of such an increase was the positive behavioral reaction of society to the introduction of extracurricular activities, which is a component of many educational reforms in Ukraine.
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Soland, J. (2016). Is Teacher Value Added a Matter of Scale? The Practical Consequences of Treating an Ordinal Scale as Interval for Estimation of Teacher Effects. Applied Measurement in Education, 30(1), 52–70. (in English).

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von Hippel, P. T., Workman, J., & Downey, D. B. (2018). Inequality in Reading and Math Skills Forms Mainly before Kindergarten: A Replication, and Partial Correction, of “Are Schools the Great Equalizer?”. Sociology of Education, 91(4), 323–357. (in English).

Weiss, M. J., Bloom, H. S., Verbitsky-Sawitz, N., Gupta, H., Vigil, A. E., & Cullinan, D. N. (2017). How Much Do the Effects of Education and Training Programs Vary Across Sites? Evidence from Past Multisite Randomized Trials. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 10(4), 843–876. (in English).

Wolf, B., & Harbatkin, E. (2023). Making Sense of Effect Sizes: Systematic Differences in Intervention Effect Sizes by Outcome Measure Type. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 16(1), 134-161. (in English).

Young, V. M. (2018). Assessing the Cornerstone of U.S. Education Reform. The Journal of Educational Foundations, 31(3-4), 74-99. (in English).

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