Modern processes of reforming the national education system are connected at once with two different-level mechanisms: 1) organizational, legal and methodological justification of the distribution of powers between central educational institutions and regional self-government bodies and 2) actual educational activities in educational institutions of territorial communities on the basis of national educational frameworks, standards and curricula. Accordingly, modern paradigmatic modifications of the content and structure of the national education system must be considered in two planes: at the macro level of global changes in the organizational and management structure of educational functionality and at the micro level of local transformations in the educational formations of territorial communities. In this way, we can talk about the interconnection and interpenetration of global and local, general and individual, state and local phenomena.
On the basis of the above, it is quite relevant to recognize the functional capacity that is the result of the unification of global intentions and local capabilities of the educational network of territorial communities with the involvement of leading concepts and weighted functions of reforming the national education system in the context of the approximation of the global and national dimensions of educational activity to the local capabilities of territorial educational institutions.
In this way, the issue of consideration of the interaction of decentralization and glocalization becomes such an effective tool that provides the possibility of discussing the reform of the national education system in terms of both organizational and pedagogical components in their interconnection and interdependence, which should practically lead to innovative transformations of structure and content education system based on international educational experience and local specifics. Without the implementation of the specified systemic transformations, the process of teaching and educating a new generation of Ukrainian men and women, who should represent their country in the international community, becomes much more complicated.
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