The article deals with an actual problem of our time – the use of questions to the text as an important means of primary school students conscious reading formation. For this purpose, the essence of conscious reading has been revealed, its author's definition has been given. Attention has been focused on the significance of this phenomenon in the conditions of information society, and the role of texts in the process of primary school students conscious reading formation has been analyzed. It has been substantiated that tasks/questions is an important means of reading comprehension formation; the functions of questions have been provided, the types of the most used ones have been given; domestic and foreign experience in organizing monitoring studies of students' reading competence / literacy has been analyzed (the approaches of the experts of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment regarding the development of diagnostic tasks for the study of the specified quality have been revealed; the materials prepared by the employees of the O. Ya. Savchenko Department of Primary Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine have been analyzed, which relate to the diagnosis and mechanisms of overcoming the educational losses of primary school students in various academic subjects, in particular in reading; the «secrets» of compiling diagnostic tasks in PISA format have been described and the types of such tasks have been given). The types of questions proposed by the most authoritative international PIRLS study, which tests the level of conscious reading formation in 10-year-old children, have been revealed. These questions are built taking into account the increasing complexity and provide for 12 levels of depth of text analysis, in particular: for finding words and phrases in the text; for reproducing the storyline; questions, the illustration of which is a false clue; questions for which it is necessary to choose the correct synonym or close options (without rereading); for reproducing the facts; questions on transferring information into a figurative series; for searching for evidence for theses; questions, the answers to which are not contained in the text; questions on understanding the multiple meanings of words, proverbs; on the hidden motivation of the heroes; for generalizing reading, synthesis; questions that «trigger» reflection. The method of using these questions has been illustrated on the example of Oleh Butsen story «Pustoshchi» (transliterated), recommended for study by 4th grade students.
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