The article describes some practical problems of music therapy and educational work in the modern educational institution of Ukraine and ways to solve them; the experience of using classical music in the communal institution "Educational complex "School of Liberal Arts" of the Kherson Regional Council during the 2023/2024 academic year is summarized.
In order to develop students’ interest in classical music, particularly during online education, music teachers, with the help of a psychologist, developed the system of the lessons and the accompanying methodical material. It is possible to interest children through films and cartoons in which classical music sounds, as well as through the connection of musical and literary works. The material is organized into three tables, fragments of which are shown in the article; the weblinks are provided for all the mentioned video and audio works, which makes it much easier for teachers to prepare for remote classes.
There are also events designed to teach students to understand classical music ("underscoring" of video clips with classical music, explaining the emotional content of musical passages).
During the lessons, 1-2 times a day, members of the teaching staff take musical relaxation breaks using fragments of classical works. The purpose of such pauses is to help children to get rid of internal discomfort, adjust their emotional state, and activate mental activity.
A taken survey of students about classical music in general and its use for music-relaxation breaks in particular demonstrates the following: the vast majority of children usually listen to other kinds of music; most respondents liked such music, it improved their mood, well-being, increased activity, and they would like to listen to these works on their own and get to learn them more deeply; while listening to musical fragments, students most often imagined pictures of nature, episodes from literary or video works, remembered something pleasant; although some learners expressed dissatisfaction, skepticism or indifference. In general, it can be concluded that the use of music-relaxation pauses in the educational process is one of the promising modern methods of preserving the psychological health of students, but the method of conducting them should be improved, and the musical works should be selected more carefully.
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