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types of learning activities
problem solving
soft and hard skills

How to Cite

Zasіekina Т., & Kozlenko О. (2024). POSSIBILITIES OF SUBJECT ACTIVITY IN THE FORMATION OF CROSS-CUTTING PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (2), 254–263. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2024-2-254-263


The article discusses innovative approaches to the formation of learning content based on the activity-based approach, which corresponds to the priority goal of the general secondary education reform. On the example of biological material, the possibilities of achieving mandatory learning outcomes through the formation of a cross-cutting problem-solving skill are revealed. The author proposes a structure of student activities in which an educational, scientific or life problem and a query formed on its basis are the basis for choosing further ways of action: processing information sources and presenting information; planning and conducting a scientific study, the results of which will solve the problem; applying conscious ideas about the laws of nature; cooperation, communication and collaboration both during the activity and after the result is achieved; translating the formulated conclusions into real actions in the school.

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