School civic education is represented as a system consisting of the following components: pedagogically adapted scientific knowledge about democracy, civil society, the rule of law, the rights, freedoms and duties of a person and a citizen; the ability and experience to take an active, conscious and responsible part in the life of society and the state; civic values / values of democracy and students' perception of them as personal value guidelines. It has been established that conceptually and substantively, сivic education makes it possible to satisfy the need of Ukrainian society for the implementation of European values, as well as to provide answers to global challenges and threats that appeared before Ukraine in connection with the full-scale armed aggression of the russian federation, in particular, with regard to ensuring stability during the war and the post-war restoration of Ukraine as a sovereign, independent and democratic state. On the basis of the Western / European model (civic education), a generalized model of civic education at the basic secondary education level is proposed, within which: the goal of education is the development of civic qualities of the individual, civic and social competences; by content – a set of civic knowledge, skills, values and attitudes integrated into the content of educational subjects of the civic and historical educational field (history and the basics of jurisprudence) with the implementation of cross-curricular connections with other educational fields, in particular language and literature; the use of interactive, information and communication technologies, problem-based learning, project activities is provided, priority is given to practical classes. Emphasis is placed on the creation of a democratic school environment as a component of the model and the appropriate organizational and pedagogical conditions for effective school civic education.
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