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assessment models
teacher’s pedagogical activity
evaluation of the teacher’s pedagogical activity

How to Cite

Zhuk Ю. ., & Vashchenko Л. . (2024). EVALUATION OF TEACHERS’ PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY: PILOT STUDY. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 52–65. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2024-3-52-65


In this study, the opinion of teachers regarding the evaluation of their pedagogical activity was studied. Data for this study were collected using an online survey based on Google Forms software. 411 teachers from three regions of Ukraine answered the questionnaire. The results of the survey showed the existence of two groups of teachers almost equal in number, opinions about the need to evaluate the pedagogical activity of teachers are diametrically opposed. In order to find out the features of the structures of the teachers’ ideas of the identified opposition groups, regression, factor and cluster analysis procedures were used. Factor analysis was performed with varimax rotation to generate two-factor solutions that accounted for 47% of the variance in scale scores. The results of the analysis showed that among the respondents representing the opposition groups, there are significant differences of opinion regarding the application of different models of evaluation of the teacher’s pedagogical activity. At the same time, the opinions of respondents who approve of the idea of ​​evaluation, in contrast to those who do not approve of this idea, are clearly structured and unambiguous in terms of priorities in the selection of evaluation models. The implications of the obtained results and the possibility of continuing research aimed at clarifying the structures of teachers’ submissions regarding the evaluation of their pedagogical activity using psychometric technologies are discussed.

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