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digital transformation
perceived education quality
student satisfaction
SEM analyses

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Moulai, A. (2024). E-MANAGEMENT AS A DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY TO IMPROVE PERCEIVED EDUCATION QUALITY AND STUDENT SATISFACTION, EVIDENCE FROM ALGERIA. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 28–40. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2024-3-28-40


The wider recognition of the importance of digital transformation and its various applications in institutions has led to its adoption by higher education institutions seeking to improve their education quality and retain their customers. Accordingly, through this study, the researcher aims to investigate the effect of e-management in improving perceived education quality and student satisfaction in Algerian higher education. To achieve this objective, the researcher distributed an online survey to a random sample of 218 international students enrolled in the faculty of sciences and technology at Oran University in Western Algeria. Based on structural equation modelling analysis using Amos Program (v24.0.0), the results showed that e-management positively and significantly affects perceived education quality. Likewise, e-management also has a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction. Moreover, the results revealed that perceived education quality has a positive and significant effect on student satisfaction in Algeria HEIs.

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