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methodology of teaching geography
professional competence of the teacher
master class
«Teacher of the Year» competition.

How to Cite

Nazarenko Т. . (2024). MASTER-CLASS AS A METHOD OF FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF A GEOGRAPHY TEACHER. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 189–198.


The content of this article will raise the issue of the geography teacher’s expertise through the method specified in the title, using the example of conducting “master class” tests at the all-Ukrainian competition “Teacher of the Year - 2024” in the “Geography” category.

For several years, the author of the article was a member of the jury and the author of the tests of the All-Ukrainian competition “Teacher of the Year” in the nomination “Geography” and was able to assess the level of professional training of teachers. Such a method as a master class is actively being introduced into the education system, it is not new, its origins can be seen in the education system of different countries. Today, there is a whole system of creative workshops of active teachers who advertise their experience, while applying the latest methods and technologies to improve the teaching process in geography in general secondary education institutions. In pedagogy, a master class is a teaching method or a special class for improving pedagogical skills, which is conducted by a recognized specialist in pedagogical activity for persons who, as a rule, have already achieved a sufficient level of professionalism in this field of activity, or for novice teachers.

A positive result of a master class is considered to be the result reflected in the mastery of new creative ways of solving a certain pedagogical problem. This is a rather technologically complex process, that is why there are certain requirements for organizing and conducting master classes. Since mastery is an important component of a teacher’s activity, and a master differs from a teacher in that he/she expresses his/her own opinion as an equal participant, the process of organizing such a method as a master class should be
based on the pedagogy of partnership. So, the master class is a method by which the teacher initiates the creation of a favourable environment for the development of cognitive interests, motivation, creativity, research activity of students, critical thinking and acquisition of geographical knowledge.

Since mastery is an important component of a teacher’s activity, in order to conduct an effective master class, a geography teacher needs to use the technology of anticipatory experience, systematic response, and reflection on scientific and methodological bases. It is this use of experience that will give the teacher not only effectiveness in pedagogical activities, but also a real perspective for demonstrating one’s own methodological achievements.
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