The article focuses on the typological features of Ukrainian language lessons in general secondary education institutions, as well as the structure and content of the lesson. Compliance with such changes in the practice of teaching the Ukrainian language in the new Ukrainian school will contribute to the realization of the goals and objectives of the new Ukrainian school. The authors emphasize the key positions of the lesson, which make it developmental. The first emphasis is placed on the formation of the worldview of native speakers. This is the source that will motivate and nourish the child's cognitive interest, determine the prospects for applying knowledge, and stimulate the desire to improve oneself constantly in terms of language skills. The second emphasis concerns the reformatting of the classical lesson, the article substantiates the need to introduce such mandatory structural components as goal setting, goal realization, and reflection. The third emphasis is learning to work with a problem: identifying it, clearly formulating the problem, looking for ways to solve it, making assumptions about future risks/consequences, and taking responsibility for one's decisions. In the context of the fourth emphasis, it is determined: that the dispersion of sections of the speech line contributes only to the dispersion of attention and weakening of the holistic perception of the content. The sections "Information", "Text", "Speech Genres" and "Communication", in addition to important cognitive and developmental functions, perform other functions, namely: they strengthen the role of language knowledge in the process of interval repetition, emphasizing their importance in new conditions, and provide this knowledge with functionality and application prospects. These sections show students the possibilities of real application of language knowledge and form the ability to connect them with life.
The fifth emphasis is on the typological features of the lessons. Each lesson should be structured in such a way as to develop logic, memory, thinking, imagination, attention, observation, and speech during the learning process.
The theoretical provisions are illustrated with examples from the pages of the author's textbooks, which testify to the systematicity and dynamics of the development of conceptual provisions in the author's methods, tested in several institutions of general secondary education in Ukraine. As a result, the problems of future scientific research, which are promising and important for Ukrainian linguistic didactics, are outlined.
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