Global educational trends and existing in Ukraine conditions require the constant use of digital technologies in the educational process for communication between teachers, students and parents as well as for performing educational tasks by students. In compliance with the principles of systematicity, consistency, accessibility of education and strong mastering of knowledge, skills and abilities, digitalization of education is one of the key factors in ensuring the continuity of the educational process. These core principles have a primary impact on the educational process and its results under the martial law in the country.
The implementation and use of digital technologies in professional secondary education is the basis of its globalization, dissemination of universal educational values among young people and development of students’ core 21st century skills. It is a practical tool for personalization, individualization and differentiation of instruction. At the same time, it causes the appearance of educational difficulties. A wide range of software and the rapid pace of its updates require systematization, constant monitoring and revisions of the lists of digital applications for learning. Most of the applications have an intuitive interface and are not difficult to master, but their rational and methodically balanced use is possible only if the teacher is aware of digital education issues, has both motivation and readiness for continuous professional development and self-development.
The effectiveness of the process of digitalization of education depends on the level of functional and digital literacy of students, their ability to learn and readiness to perform educational activities independently; motivation and ability of teachers to perform professional activity amid global changes; their information and digital competence; access to a modern digital educational environment and educational materials for all participants of the educational process; availability of technical resources to students and teachers for learning in different formats, namely, blended, hybrid or distance.
The progress of the digital society necessitates the constant and rapid development of digital education.
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