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postmodern era
reforming the national educational system
educational marketing
market relations

How to Cite

Pushkarova Т. ., Makarova В. ., Koval-Maziuta . М., & Hrytsenko О. (2024). MARKETING OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES IN THE POSTMODERN AGE: OUTLOOK AND WARNINGS. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 122–138.


According to open resources, the postmodern era is a special period of European history that began at the end of the 20th century, and which has signs of a change in the public mindset in all areas of human life: cultural, political, economic, industrial, scientific, educational, etc. At the same time, among the variety of objective attributes of postmodernism, today it is appropriate to single out its desire for technological experiments, scientific innovations, and management-reform transformations. In this way, it turns out that the age of postmodernism is the rejection of archaic stereotypes, the search for something unknown and unusual, the testing of innovative ideas or technologies.

In the above context, the reform of the Ukrainian school is not some extraordinary event, but rather a well-timed action, which is based on pan-European and national requests of society regarding extravagant, but inevitable, systemic transformations. Carrying out such modifications in the field of educational activity is a natural strategy, which aims not only to increase the level of quality of education, but also to contribute to the adaptation of educational service provision regimes to today's market conditions.

At the same time, marketing as a social ideology of activity, which is aimed at satisfying the main requests of the country's population, must necessarily be involved in those reforming transformations that have taken place in the national education system. The presented judgment is based on the fact that the phenomenon of education is a key activator of the effective development of economic, industrial, humanitarian and legal relations, which in the existing way affect the competitiveness of the national economy through the training of erudite, educated, creative and responsible representatives of the new Ukrainian school.

Therefore, the reform of national education in the postmodern era turns out to be not only highly demanded, but also a very unique process, which requires the systematic integration of organizational, pedagogical, and economic innovations, which, due to the synergistic effect, should become a driving force in the education and training of Ukrainian men and women of the new generation, which will actively contribute to the elevation of the Ukrainian nation on the international arena.
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