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linguistic foundations
English syntax
syntactic units
future teachers of English

How to Cite

Palchykova О. (2024). LINGUISTIC FUNDAMENTALS OF TEACHING SYNTAX TO FUTURE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 241–247.


The article is devoted to the problem of determining the linguistic foundations of teaching syntax to future English teachers. It states that the initial positions of linguistics form the basis for the development of methods of teaching a certain section of grammar, syntax in particular. The paper establishes the relationship between competent proficiency in the English language and the use of linguistic material within the syntactic language level. The indicator of effective use of English language material is the ability to combine phonemes, lexemes, morphemes, syntaxemes within the syntactic language level, and to understand the ways of their connection to correctly form phrases and supraphrase unities, text and supra-textual components. The study ascertains the significance of teaching English syntax as part of a university course, which involves free operation with linguistic units during spontaneous speech, correct design of statements in oral/written communication, avoidance of stereotypical thinking in the process of creating text fragments in various types of discourse. The authors analyze and summarize the content of the term “syntax” proposed in the research of international and domestic scholars: it is a section of linguistics that analyzes the system of syntactic units and rules of their formation; a section of grammar that focuses on the structure of syntactic units and syntactic relations. The syntactic units that need to be considered when teaching English syntax are as follows: word, phrase, construction, clause, sentence, text.
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