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Vakhrina О. (2016). VIEWS OF POLISH SCIENTISTS ON «VALUE» CONCEPT. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 23–29. Retrieved from


Value subject matter at all times attracts the attention of philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues and scientists of other spheres. It is especially actual today, when there is a revaluation of values, moral norms, influencing the personality formation, upbringing of its values. Entrance of Ukrainian education into the European space, the use of new pedagogical technologies, look for the most optimal conceptual approaches to the development of national higher education cause the growth of scientific and practical interest for study of the international experience of European countries, in particular Poland. The experience of this country is of special importance for Ukrainian education, due to the close historical and cultural relations and the accession of two countries to the Bologna process. The formation of a harmonious personality, which would meet the requirements of the time, is the key issue of education. Therefore, the development of values that will determine the ideological position of an individual is largely dependent on education, in particular higher education. In the modern paradigm of education values are an integral part of the educational process. Values enrich person, as a member of society and contribute to professional development and personal self-improvement. Values determine all kinds of relationships, status, and human activities. There are many theories regarding the definition of «value», its content and classification. The experience of the Polish colleagues in the philosophical-pedagogical dimension leads to the conclusion that they consider values as important personal constructs that help to keep human wealth. Under the Polish scientists’ research, we could note that the values have a certain emotional impact; they are closely associated with needs and motivation; they have a hierarchical nature and impact assessment and the formation of worldview. The achievements of Polish scientists in axiological dimension demonstrate a humanistic approach of educational concepts in higher education of Poland, aimed at the formation of fundamental human values in young generation.

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