The article considers the peculiarities of teachers’ determination of the objectivity of the current and final assessment of the learning outcomes of secondary school students as the condition for choosing the strategy evaluation and control activities. Based on results of questionnaire data (N = 103) with using statistical methods of analysis (calculation of the concordance coefficient, cluster analysis, etc.), authors generalized the value of objectivity of reflection of knowledge, skills, competencies, attitude to the subject in the current and final assessments for different groups of respondents, as well as models of the structure of mental images of terms current assessment and final assessment, which were developed by teachers with different work experience. It was found that the level of objectivity of each of the assessed learning outcomes is higher in the final assessment. At the same time, as teachers’ pedagogical experience increases, so does the importance they give to the objectivity of all analyzed learning outcomes assessment. Comparison of the teachers’ survey results with the results of the study, which compared the documented final (annual) and actual assessments (according to students’ and teachers’ survey, N=90), showed differences between teachers’ perceptions (as it should be) and the factual state of affairs
(as it is) – less than third respondents are convinced that the annual final assessment is completely true.
The results of the cluster analysis revealed that the respondents understand the final assessment as a complex indicator of academic achievement, and the current – as an indicator of individual, albeit related, learning outcomes. The comparison of the constructed models allowed to generalize that, according to the respondents, the level of objectivity of abilities and skills assessment determines the objectivity of the assessment of acquired knowledge (readiness to apply them) and the formation of competence (meaningful application of knowledge).
Further research may be concerned with examining how teachers use the results of ongoing assessment to make decisions about further learning strategies in terms of competency-based learning.
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