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educational process
National Lviv Polytechnic University

How to Cite

Bоbаlо Ю., & Kozlovskii Ю. (2018). MODELING WORK WITH STUDENTS DURING THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE NATIONAL LVIV POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (1), 74–84. Retrieved from


The article describes the experience and perspectives of modeling work with students during the educational process of the National Lviv Polytechnic University. The main priorities in the formation of pedagogical work at the National Lviv Polytechnic University are the demands and problems of the youth, its social formation, participation in social life and the development of recommendations to prevent and overcome crisis phenomena in certain areas of student life. It was established that overcoming such a complex socio-pedagogical problem as deviant behavior of young people involves studying the whole complex of causes of its occurrence, creating a system of preventive measures aimed at counteracting the conditions and factors of deviant behavior. The pedagogical conditions that will contribute to preventing the growth of deviant behavior in the student environment are determined: creation of favourable conditions of development, education and upbringing, pedagogical support of students in adapting to the conditions of the educational institution; purposeful and scientifically grounded individual work during the lessons and extra-curricular time, especially in dormitories; providing conditions for eliminating factors of deviant behavior (through organizational forms and teaching methods: lectures, workshops, briefings, interviews with invited specialists, counseling, communication, etc.); development and implementation of effective forms of work on the prevention of deviant behavior, promotion and involvement of young people in a healthy way of life; raising the legal awareness of the youth, raising awareness of a civic position, resolving and overcoming conflicts, formation the need for moral self-determination, moral and psychological stability as the main characterological education, abilities to refuse manifestations of deviant behavior, the implementation of special training of the administration and teachers of educational institutions to prevent deviant behavior through reasonable control and aiming of educational activity of the student at the necessary course. It is grounded that in modern information society it is necessary to organize a comprehensive approach to organizing educational work with the youth, in which we focus the emphasis on the individual characteristics of a student’s personality and the establishment of an effective system of assistance to each student in his successful self-realization.

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